Thursday, October 6, 2011

PA official says forcing Israel out of Judea and Samaria would bring its doom

Making clear what is usually kept hidden a key member of the Fatah Central Committee, Abbas Zaki, said in an Al-Jazeera interview that the proposal to force Israel to give up the so-called West Bank, the Bible lands of Judea and Samaria, would bring Israel to its doom. He described the creation of a Palestinian state as simply the first step toward the overall goal of completely eliminating the nation of Israel.

All of the talk about a “two state solution” is just window dressing to disguise the fact that one of those “states” doesn’t want peace. The enemies of Israel want nothing less than the utter destruction of Israel…and they are now brave enough to start saying so in public. Will you stand in the gap for Israel today? The prophet Isaiah wrote of hearing God’s question: “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?” Isaiah answered, “Here am I, send me.” What will your answer be today?

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