Monday, July 30, 2012

I Prayed “Lord, Would You Convert What I Have into Supernatural Favor?”

My Scripture for you today: “He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee” (Job 5:19).

Dear Jerusalem Prayer Team Member,

One of my favorite Scriptures, if not my very favorite Scripture in the entire Bible is Luke 2:52: “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” On my wrist is a band with that Scripture and the words, “Living in the F.O.G.—Favor of God.” If you’re not wearing a wristband like this one, why not request it when you send a gift? Let me show you how the favor of God can transform your life.

Several years ago, I was invited to meet with one the most brilliant mathematicians in the world. His name is Professor Robert J. (Israel) Aumann. In 2005, Professor Aumann won the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences. Because he is such a busy individual, I was informed by his assistant that our meeting would last only fifteen minutes.

As I drove to the professor’s home, I prayed that the Holy Spirit would give me favor with man, specifically one man, Israel Aumann. I said, “Lord, I have equity, but no currency. I have influence, but I have no favor with this man. Would you convert what little I have into supernatural favor?”

As we met together, I asked him a question about the news. I was astonished to find that Professor Aumann had not watched television, listened to the radio, or read a newspaper since 1972. He said, “I do not put into my mind anything that is not relative to its objectives.” Once a day, he was given a briefing paper with anything noteworthy.

During our time, I asked him one question that seemed to intrigue him: “Professor, you are a man of faith and a man of science. Can you tell me how those two things co-exist so comfortably in a world where scholarship often rejects faith?”

“That is an excellent question,” he remarked. “It’s a tragedy that I don’t have enough time to answer it. When I gave five days of lectures in Oslo, that was one of my topics. Neither I nor my smartest student could calculate where it could be found on the transcript. It was not printed. It was just a verbal lecture. It is in a computer somewhere.”

As he walked me to the door and I stepped outside, the professor said, “Breathe deeply.” As I did, he said, “You’ve just breathed in about sixteen atoms that were exhaled from the mouth of Jesus on the cross. I’ve calculated the time and density.” I turned to walk away and muttered, “20-29.” Mr. Aumann stopped me. “What did you say? It sounded like two numbers.”

I responded, “Oh, it’s just jetlag.” He continued to prod until I responded, “I don’t think it’s anything more than that,” but I repeated the numbers to him.

“Imagine.” he said, “What if it began precisely at the top of page 20 and ended precisely at the bottom of page 29? This would be absolutely impossible for any man to deduce.”

He became so intrigued that he invited me back inside and had his personal assistant contact Oslo. He discovered that was exactly what had happened. The lecture began on page 20 and ended on page 29. He turned to his aide and said, “Cancel my appointments. I’m going to spend the morning with Dr. Evans.”

I said, “I don’t think you want to do that. I don’t know a thing about mathematics. The only thing I did as I was driving to your home was ask the Holy Spirit to give me favor with you.” He cried, “Mathematics! I’m not clearing my schedule to discuss mathematics. I’m clearing my schedule because there is a new field of science that has never been researched—the field of how the Ruach Hakodesh (Hebrew for “God’s breath” or the Holy Spirit) can activate the cerebral mind to come up with such genius.”

May God bless you today and give you favor with man—not by your might, nor by your power, but by His Holy Spirit. Will you join me today in a project of great faith that will turn God’s head and hand toward our lives?

Tomorrow, the $3,000,000 payment on the Jerusalem World Center is due. I am asking you to be part of this miracle…and especially if you need to see God do something great in your life. If you will take this step of faith along with us, I believe God will greatly bless you according to His promise in Genesis 12:3.  To donate GO HERE.:

One Day Left for a Miracle!

Dear Jerusalem Prayer Team Member,

Please join me in praying this prayer of faith and agreement right now: Father, I thank you today that I am prospering. Your Word says that those who pray for the peace of Jerusalem shall prosper. I also thank you that I am blessed. Your Word also declares in Genesis 12:3, “I will bless them that bless thee.”

I trust in You with all my heart. I do not lean unto my own understanding. In all my ways I acknowledge You, and You have promised to direct my path. Father, you are the Lord Who heals me. You are watching over Your Word to perform it. Your Word is filled with healing power, and I receive Your Word now. God is in me; my body is the temple of the Lord. God, you are bigger than sickness, adversity, or the attacks of the Enemy.

I declare to my mountain just how big my God is. Father, I thank you today that I am free from unforgiveness and strife. I forgive others as Christ has forgiven me. For the love of God has been shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit. Because of Your Word, I am an overcomer—I overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of my testimony.

Heavenly Father, I attend to Your Word. I incline my ears to Your sayings. I will not let them depart from my mouth. I keep them in my heart, for they are light and healing to all my flesh. No evil shall befall me, neither shall any plagues come near my dwelling, for You have given Your angels charge over me. They shall keep me in all my ways. In thy pathway is life, healing, and health.

After you have prayed that prayer with me, will you join me in making the miracle of the Jerusalem World Center a reality? Jerusalem is Ground Zero for spiritual warfare in our world today. It is the target of the enemy, and it is vital that you and I do our part to not only pray for the peace of Jerusalem, but to speak out
in support of Israel’s right to her capital city. One of the most important tools for us to fight and win this battle will be the Jerusalem World Center. This beautiful five-story building in the Holy City—within walking distance of the Temple Mount—will be a lasting testimony of salt and light to God’s Chosen People and a bulwark of their defense.

I am so grateful to God for how far we’ve come, but now we must take this next step. There is just one day left for us to raise the rest of the funds we need for the $3,000,000 payment on the 31st. In the natural this is impossible…but with God—and God’s people voting YES with their wallets—all things are possible!

So far 1,960 loving friends have given $314,200 toward this payment.

Dr. Michael D. Evans

Friday, July 27, 2012

But What If Michele Bachmann Is Right?

Republican Representative, Michele Bachmann, and four other congressmen recently expressed their concern that the Muslim Brotherhood might be infiltrating the State Department.  The liberal media and her own party leaders came down on her so hard that the Democrats didn’t need to say a word.  If for no other reason, the presence of Huma Abedin working in the department as a high-ranking aide to Secretary Clinton should be a concern.  Ms. Abedin, aka Mrs. Anthony Weiner, is the daughter of parents with very close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.  What is she doing in the State Department?  The question needs to be asked.
We’ve come a long way from World War II when we certainly would not have allowed Japanese people to hold sensitive government positions.  Have we become so oblivious to what is going on in the world that we don’t understand that the Muslim Brotherhood is a very real threat to our country and our freedom?  Not “may become” or “could be” – “is.”
Here’s a quick history lesson.  The Brotherhood was established in Egypt in 1928 by a devotee of Adolf Hitler.  It was outlawed by Egypt after a failed assassination of President Nasser, but it has made a resurgence that has been so successful that one of its members is the new President of Egypt.  The leader of the Brotherhood said recently, “Arab and Muslim regimes are betraying their people by failing to confront the Muslims’ real enemies – not only Israel, but the United States.  Waging jihad against both of these infidels is a commandment of Allah that cannot be disregarded.”  We ought to take that statement very seriously.  But the current administration doesn’t appear to.   Here is a partial chronology of incidents the demonstrate how the administration has been cozying up to the Muslim Brotherhood.
  • The Brotherhood's spiritual leader — Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi — writes an open letter to Obama justifying terrorism as a direct response to U.S. foreign policy.
  • President Obama delivers his infamous apology to Muslims in Egypt.  Although he officially invited banned Brotherhood leaders to attend, he snubbed President Mubarak and the nation of Israel during the trip.
  • Obama appoints a Brotherhood-tied Islamist — Rashad Hussain — as U.S. envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which supports the Brotherhood.
  • State Department lifts visa ban on Tariq Ramadan, suspected terrorist and Egyptian-born grandson of Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna.
  • Hussain meets with Ramadan at an American-sponsored conference attended by U.S. and Brotherhood officials.
  • Hussain meets with the Brotherhood's grand mufti in Egypt.
  • Obama meets one-on-one with Egypt's foreign minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, who later remarks on Nile TV:  "The American president told me in confidence that he is a Muslim."
  • Riots organized by the Brotherhood erupt in Cairo.
  • The White House fails to back longtime ally Mubarak, who flees Cairo.
  • White House sends Intelligence Czar James Clapper to Capitol Hill to testify that the group is moderate and "largely secular."
  • Qaradawi, exiled from Egypt for 30 years, is given a hero's welcome in Tahrir Square, where he raises the banner of jihad.
  • William Taylor — Hilary Clinton's special coordinator for Middle East transitions, and a longtime associate of Brotherhood apologists —gives Brotherhood and other Egyptian Islamists special training to prepare for the post-Mubarak elections.
  • The Brotherhood wins control of Egyptian parliament, vowing to tear up Egypt's peace treaty with Israel and reestablishes ties with Hamas and Hezbollah.
  • Obama gives Mideast speech demanding Israel relinquish land to Palestinians, while still refusing to visit Israel.
  • The State Department formalizes ties with Egypt's Brotherhood, letting diplomats deal directly with Brotherhood party officials in Cairo.
  • April:  The administration quietly releases $1.5 billion in foreign aid to the new Egyptian regime.
  • June: Morsi wins presidency amid widespread reports of electoral fraud and voter intimidation by gun-toting Brotherhood thugs — including blockades of entire streets to prevent Christians from going to the polls. The Obama administration turns a blind eye and immediately recognizes Morsi as victor.
  • June: In a victory speech, Morsi vows to instate Sharia law, turning Egypt into an Islamic theocracy.
  • June: State grants visa to an identified Egyptian terrorist so that he can accept an invitation from the White House to meet with Obama's deputy national security adviser, who listens to their demands for the release of the Blind Sheik.
  • July: Obama invites Morsi to visit the White House this September.
And that’s just the highlight reel.
Rep. Bachmann’s concern is about infiltration, not about impending war.  It’s about potential security breaches, not political rhetoric or threats.  Americans have a hard time dealing with subtleties (not that “Kill the infidel Americans” is subtle).  That makes us vulnerable.  Our government’s current predisposition to making nice, holding hands, and singing Kumbayah with those who seek to destroy us, while still trying to portray itself as Israel’s best friend, is a mistake of epic proportions.
Pray earnestly.  Pray continually.  And live a holy life, seeking first His righteousness, so that you will be blessed and your prayers will be heard.  God bless you.  God bless Michele Bachmann.  And God bless America.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

One Man’s Stand for Israel is Worthy of Olympic Gold

With the 2012 London Olympic Games only a few days away and the IOC staunchly resisting honoring the eleven Israeli athletes whose lives were taken in a terrorist attack at the 1972 Munich Games, one man, whose influence in sports is great and whose voice will be heard by millions, will lead the world in a salute to those young men.
Bob Costas, the NBC sports anchor for the Olympics, has demonstrated the courage of Daniel by refusing to bow to the IOC’s self-idolatry of its own image.  While the IOC will smugly watch the opening ceremonies as a tribute to their self-aggrandizement, completing ignoring the historical, international, humanitarian, and personal importance of the day that “was the end of innocence in sports,” Costas has declared that he will do what the committee will not.
With an estimated 35 million or more Americans watching, Bob Costas will host a moment of silence as this game’s contingent of Israeli athletes enters the stadium.  But his act will be even more courageous than that.  Not only will he honor the fallen athletes, he has said that, “I intend to note that the IOC denied the request,” and that “many people find that denial more than puzzling, but insensitive.”
The IOC could easily change its mind, but it won’t.  Ankie Rekhess-Spitzer has pled with the IOC for years to have an official commemoration of the tragic event.  The IOC has told her that they would not do so because it would offend the Arabs delegation which has threatened to get up and leave should even a moment of silence be held.  Mrs. Rekhess-Sptizer is the widow of the Israeli fencing coach who was killed in 1972.
When one man takes a stand, others often follow.  This is a time for Christians and Jews to stand up and be counted.  This is an opportunity for Christians and Jews do more than have a moment of silence.  This is an open invitation for Christians and Jews to not only honor those fallen men with our silence, but with our prayers for the protection of this year’s athletes and for the nation of Israel.  And it wouldn’t hurt to thank the Lord for Bob Costas and his courage to take a stand.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Sanctions on Iran Force Interest Rates Higher

by Mike Evans

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has apparently agreed to increase Iran’s interest rate to 21 percent causing the populace of his country to become increasingly worried about the economy and the toll on future income. It appears that the sanctions imposed by world leaders are having an effect—although Ahmadinejad denies the squeeze. According to various sources, the impact of the sanctions is supposed to bring Iran’s oil industry to its knees. Not so! Countries such as Sri Lanka, China, Japan, Italy, South Korea, Spain, Greece, Turkey, and South Africa have remained aloof and refused to join the United States and European Union in banning the import of Iranian crude. These countries represent a petroleum import ratio of anywhere from 10 percent to 100 percent.

The pinch, however, is being felt in the area of foreign currency sales. According to the Iran news agency in Tehran, Ahmadinejad has upped interest rates on bank deposits to “up to 21 percent.” Iranians have been instructed to buy dollars only when traveling.

Hoarding of U.S. currency had become de rigueur in aristocratic circles in the country. It was the currency to covet, but no longer. Now it will be at a premium, and will require government permission to purchase dollars. Ahmadinejad has acknowledged—albeit subtly—that the sanctions have seriously worsened the value of the Iranian rial. One anonymous Iranian politician depicted the current economy as the worst since the Iran/Iraq war.

Raising the interest rates in Iran resembles the tactics of the Jimmy Carter administration to curb run-away inflation. Under his governance, the Federal Reserve continued to raise interest rates to double digits. It was great for job creation, but prices were so high the newly-hired could not afford to purchase goods and services. The result was what came to be known as “stagflation.”

The countries that joined forces to impose sanctions on Iran did so in hopes of restricting the amount of currency available to purchase the materials and expertise needed to continue its nuclear pursuits. The weaker rial triggered a run on gold and foreign currency and further exacerbated the problem as Iranians withdrew savings in order to make their purchases. Iran’s economy has been further destabilized. People such as students, medical patients, and business owners seeking to purchase dollars or other foreign currencies will be forced to prove need before a supply is made available. Raising the interest rate is a risky move on Ahmadinejad’s part as inflation continues to rise despite the increase. It puts his leadership position in the upcoming March elections at risk in a parliament already critical of the despotic president.

The sanctions, far from causing the Iranians to rethink their resolute rush to gain nuclear weapons, have resulted only in a more defiant attitude, and have been labeled “ineffective.” That would, of course, be more effective were China and India to join the list of countries imposing restrictions on Iran.

If the Iranian people grow tired of Ahmadinejad’s machinations, could we see a repeat of the tactics used to overthrow the Shah of Iran? A weapon used by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini when he engineered the overthrow of the Shah was oil-related strikes. He took full advantage of the freedom to use the media for his purposes. The Ayatollah began to urge the workers in Iran – from oil workers to garbage haulers – to go on strike. Students were encouraged to riot in support of the working class. The strikes proved to be very efficient at creating dissention. The strikes spread from the Tehran oil refinery to the oil refineries at Isfahan, Abadan, Tabriz, and Sharaz. In one week, oil production fell by three million barrels.

Should the Iranian people again employ that strategy against their government, blood will flow in the streets of the villages, towns, and cities of that country. When the people revolted following Ahmadinejad’s re-election in 2009, President Barack Obama did nothing to help them defend themselves against reprisals. They would, I imagine, be very reluctant to try a second time unless the US rallies behind them and the Western press is supportive. If that does not happen, then there is little chance of revolution in Iran.

Following the taking of the US embassy in Tehran, President Carter tried to use sanctions to gain an advantage, all to no avail. The Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini was as strong-minded in his determination not to give up the hostages as Ahmadinejad is in his unwavering resolve to secure a nuclear advantage. The fact that oil prices are rising in the West only serves to strengthen his decision to thumb his nose at the sanctioning countries.


Dr. Mike Evans is a #1 New York Times bestselling author. His newest book, The Protocols, addresses the role of anti-Semitism in the peace process. It was officially launched at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

America The Target

By Mike Evans

(September 30) - On a September evening in 1980 in Tel Aviv, I sat with former Mossad chief Isser Harel for a conversation about Arab terrorism. As he handed me a cup of hot tea and a plate of cookies, I asked him, "Do you think terrorism will come to America, and if so, where and why?"

Harel looked at his American visitor and replied, "I fear it will come to you in America. America has the power, but not the will, to fight terrorism. The terrorists have the will, but not the power, to fight America - but all that could change with time. Arab oil money buys more than tents."

As to the where, Harel continued, "New York City is the symbol of freedom and capitalism. It's likely they will strike the Empire State Building, your tallest building [he mistakenly thought] and a symbol of your power."

With my Western mind-set I replied that America was dedicated to fighting terrorism. Harel smiled and said, "You kill a fly and you celebrate. We live with flies daily. One dies and 100 flies come to the funeral.

"If 'land for peace' happens," Harel continued, "I think it will mean America gets peace for a season, as the West pressures Israel into giving Arafat our land. But once you let the genie of appeasement out of the bottle, he will grow and eventually turn on you. In time America itself will be in the crosshairs.

"Hitler first killed Jews, then he killed Christians. Our culture and our democracies are the root of [the terrorists'] rage. If we're right, then they are wrong."

Twenty-one years later, the first part of Harel's prediction came true; except, of course, that the twin towers of the World Trade Center were much taller than the Empire State Building. However, it was the second part of his doomsday prediction that came true much earlier.

It was 1982 and Israel had declared its own war on terrorism by invading Lebanon to root out Arafat's terrorist infrastructure. I was summoned to New York by then prime minister Menachem Begin's aide, Reuven Hecht, for a meeting with Begin prior to his meeting with then president Ronald Reagan. Hecht had just met in Washington with then secretary of state Alexander Haig, who had told him that America had changed its mind: it would no longer support Israel's war against terrorism in Lebanon. Begin was in shock. The West - whose planes had been blown out of the sky, its diplomats, soldiers, and civilians murdered by terrorists - was now fighting to save the primary organization responsible for these vile acts. In the end, American pressure prevailed and Arafat's 10,000 PLO terrorists, rifles in hand, were escorted out of Beirut to safe bases in Tunisia and other Arab lands. The cries of Israeli mothers whose sons had died in Lebanon and who stood outside his apartment screaming "Murderer!" were more than Begin could bear. He resigned a depressed and broken man. Since then hundreds of Israeli civilians have been killed and thousands wounded by terrorists recruited, trained, and equipped in territory controlled by Arafat's Palestinian Authority. Osama bin Laden's cells operate in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, as does Hizbullah - all with Arafat's blessing.

Arafat who holds the world record for suicide bombings in his intifada is coming to New York. He will surely express his sympathies over America’s tragedy when he speaks to the United Nations. He will likely repeat his worn-out 1988 United Nations dirge, “I denounce terrorism.”

This is a golden opportunity for him to help defuse the terrorists’ bomb since he is the godfather of world terrorism, and the world feeds off his intifada. To the American people who have seen hundreds of suicide bombings over the years are now living it out, the “I denounce terrorism” slogan means nothing.

By announcing (1) an official end to the intifada that has been the fertile soil for terrorism; (2) an end to the teaching of martyrdom in the territories; (3) an official commitment to honor the extradition requests of all terrorists who have killed Americans and all foreigners – including Israelis); (4) the dismantling of all terrorist organizations (including the removal of Hamas and Islamic Jihad – both on the U. S. terrorist black list - from his cabinet) will do more – when coupled with U. N. monitoring and a reasonable timetable - to prove that Arafat is not supporting or harboring barbaric terrorism. Without this real attempt to dismantle terror, Arafat and the PLO organization that he founded may indeed be added to the Bush black list in time.

Now that America has declared its own war against terrorism, Arafat has summoned the press to photograph him giving blood ostensibly for the victims of the attacks on America. Meanwhile, his Palestinian Police threatened journalists who filmed Palestinians dancing in the streets to celebrate the same attacks. All this supposedly in aid of encouraging Islamic states to join the anti-terrorism coalition.

Even Arafat's Hamas protégé has announced it is willing to suspend suicide attacks inside Israel "unless it is provoked." Can one imagine bin Laden saying "I will suspend suicide attacks against America unless I am provoked - now let me join the anti-terrorism coalition"?

Israel and America share the same democratic values that terrorists despise and seek to destroy. For Americans to think that Arafat, the godfather of Islamic terrorism, does not continue to support it is a prescription for more terror in America. A war on terrorism that categorizes some terror as good and some as bad is a guarantee of failure; a cruel spectacle in the theater of the absurd.

Michael Evans has, for two decades, been a specialist on the Middle East. He is the author of 37 books, and 11 award-winning specials on the Middle East. During the Middle East Peace Conference in Madrid, Mr. Evans fervently challenged former Secretary of State James Baker in public debate on tightening terrorist security measures. Mr. Evans has appeared on “Good Morning America,” “Nightline,” and CNN’s “Crossfire.” His articles have been featured in The “Wall Street Journal” and “Newsweek.” As a journalist, Mr. Evans has covered the vast majority of events that have transpired throughout the world relating to Middle East, including the Middle East Peace Conference, the White House Peace Accords, the state funeral of the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, and the 43rd specially-convened General Assembly of the United Nations in Geneva where he publicly challenged Yasser Arafat to denounce terrorism. Mr. Evans has been a personal friend of both Jerusalem Mayors, Teddy Kolleck and Ehud Olmert, and has been received on many occasions by the majority of Israel’s Prime Ministers.

(Published in the Jerusalem Post, Sunday, September 30, 2001)

Egyptian President Morsi Demands Release of Terrorist

by Mike Evans

On February 26, 1993, the first wave of jihad terrorists hit the World Trade Center in New York City. A truck bomb parked in an underground lot was supposed to topple the towers and kill as many as 250,000 in the complex. This plot had been planned and organized by Egyptian Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman who said, "The obligation of Allah is upon us to wage jihad for the sake of Allah. . . . We have to thoroughly demoralize the enemies of Allah by blowing up their towers that constitute the pillars of their civilization . . . the high buildings of which they are so proud.”

In my first book, Israel, America’s Key to Survival in 1980, I began warning of the possibility of a terror attack. I was told by the former head of Israeli intelligence, Isser Harel, on September 23rd of that year that the United States had the power to stop Islamic terror but not the will. He also opined that the first attack would be in New York City and on its tallest building. The Jerusalem post published an article on that interview on September 30, 2001 (reproduced here).

Rahman, who had been involved in the assassination of President Anwar Sadat in Cairo, fled to America in 1990 and was free to set up his terrorist shop in New Jersey. The New York police eventually found 47 boxes of Rahman’s terrorist literature. In a tremendous paroxysm of moral relativism, the boxes were marked, "Irrelevant religious stuff.” Law enforcement totally missed the very reason for the attacks and failed to connect them to the worldwide movement that had fueled it. They saw Muslim Brother Sheikh Rahman’s organization as a fanatic splinter group. The blind cleric was apprehended and in 1996 was sentenced to life in prison for seditious conspiracy.

On the day of the attack, my dear friend Yigal Carmon flew to Washington, DC early in the morning to warn the Pentagon that radical Islamists were planning an attack on New York City, and that the threat was imminent. Yigal was head of security in Israel under Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, a position similar to that of our head of Homeland Security. Yigal told me the liberals in Washington smiled and said, "We don’t consider religion to be a threat to us.” They were wrong, and the attack occurred a few hours later.

President Bill Clinton was more interested in implementing his economic program than keeping the US safe, neither he nor anyone else paid in government much attention to the bombing. In his regular radio address the day after the bombing, Mr. Clinton mentioned the "tragedy” (he never once used the word "bomb” or "terrorist” in the address) and never mentioned the incident in public again. Nor did he ever visit the site of the blast. His Liberal Left belief was that people are not intrinsically evil and only need education, tolerance, and understanding—a New Age philosophy. As one of his first international projects, newly-elected President Mohamed Morsi declared on June 29, 2012, that he will work to secure the release of the "Blind Sheikh.” His demand that the terrorist be returned to Egypt was a letdown for those in the West who were hoping to champion Morsi as a moderate. The call for the release of Rahman, an ally of Osama bin Laden, is a red flag to Egypt watchers.

Last May a speech given by Morsi proclaimed that "the Koran was and will continue to be our constitution.” He continued by saying that when the Egyptian constitution was redrawn, it would "truly reflect [the shariah or Islamic] law.” He added, "This nation will enjoy blessing and revival only through the Islamic shariah…Jihad is our path. And death for the sake of Allah is our most lofty aspiration.” Does that sound like a moderate, pro-West president?

Founded in 1928 by an educator and imam, Hassan al-Banna, the Muslim Brotherhood began as a small group based on the structure of other organizations familiar to al-Banna. The group’s founder was said to be a devoted follower of Adolf Hitler’s political viewpoint. Al-Banna could relate to Hitler’s anti-Semitism, his predilection for brutality, and his determination to bring Britain to her knees. In 1942 Al-Banna established local Brotherhood divisions in Palestine and Transjordan. His love for all things Hitler transformed into both overt and covert operations. Hitler was aided by Al-Banna’s minions in his attempts to erase the Jewish people from posterity. The Brotherhood effectively closed the door for Jewish immigration into the safety of Palestine. Riots in the British protectorate caused them to kowtow to demands that avenues of escape from Europe to Palestine be sealed. The Brotherhood and the Nazi Party had common ground: Hatred for the Jews, for democracy, and for Western culture. Al-Banna’s organization secretly became the fifth Parliament, a covert army inside Egypt.

The Muslim Brotherhood today is still a deeply anti-Semitic organization and as a member, Morsi has continually side-stepped the question of whether or not he would honor the peace treaty with Israel. When asked if he would renounce terrorism against Israel, he led the questioner through a maze of rhetoric: "What’s going on [sic] the Palestinian land is resistance…The resistance is acceptable by all mankind and it’s the right of the people to resist.” The kind of resistance touted by Morsi is the use of suicide bombers and rockets to target the innocent population in Israel, not to mention attacks against US troops stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Red flags regarding Morsi’s true allegiance continue to float high above Egypt. On the one hand, he has promised to lead his country toward a "civil state, a nationalist state, a constitutional state, a modern state.” At the same time, he calls for the release of a terrorist whose mantra is jihad.

In a recent visit to Egypt to meet with both Morsi and Foreign Minister Mohamed KamelAmr, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton flew her own red flag. She underscored US resolve to help the recovery of the Egyptian economy. She announced particulars of a $1 billion package heralded last year by President Barack Obama. Clinton was also set to discuss a US-Egyptian Enterprise Fund of $60 million in the first year of operation. Yet another gift to the country was a $250 million package to aid small businesses prior to a visit by a US delegation in September.

All of this capital is going to a country that has the potential to be a deadly enemy to Israel at any moment. The question remains: Why are American tax dollars being used to fund terrorists in the Middle East?

Friday, July 13, 2012

A precious and powerful prayer for you

The Aaronic prayer—the prayer of the high priest for the blessing of God to come upon the people of God—was actually dictated by God Himself. He told Aaron through Moses what and how he should pray…and it is one of the most precious and powerful prayers in the entire Bible.

The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, Thus you shall bless the people of Israel: you shall say to them, The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. So shall they put my name upon the people of Israel, and I will bless them” (Numbers 6:22-27).

I am praying this prayer over you for the blessing of God upon every part of your life today. Please join me right now and pray it out loudly. We need God’s power and blessing for this day, and in faith we can claim it together. And we need to urgently stand for Israel; the threats against the Jewish state and the Jewish people are growing day by day.

Get timely news on Israel and the Middle East - request our free Called magazine and Dr. Mike Evans’ daily email updates GO HERE.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cries for the Destruction of Israel Echo from Iran to Egypt

The print was barely dry on reports that Iranian Majlis Speaker Ali Larijan had called for the “disappearance of the Zionist regime” last Thursday, when news broke of a similar call for the destruction of Israel from Egypt.

In a speech delivered in Tehran celebrating the birthday of Shia Islam’s twelfth imam madhi on July 5th, Larijan blatantly identified “the West” and Israel as “two dark spots on the present era.” He referred to Israel and the US as the major sources of oppression in the world and said that “Today the time has come for the disappearance of the West and the Zionist regime from the face of the earth.”

Larijan’s rhetoric echoed that of Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s cry several weeks ago to wipe Israel and the US “off the map.”

The Islamist war cry echoed back from Egypt the same day.

The Egyptian newspaper Al Wafd reported that Muhammad Badi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide, in his weekly sermon, called on “all Muslims to wage jihad with themselves and their money to free Jerusalem.” He said that “The Jews had gathered from the diaspora on behalf of an alleged, illusory right, and established their state on the sanctities of the Palestinian nation.” He then urged every Muslim to strive to save al-Quds (Jerusalem) from the hands of the rapists (Israelis) and to cleanse Palestine from the clutches of the occupation.” He said that it is the duty of every Muslim to enable the Palestinians to return to their homes.

Badi has been cited as the power behind Muhammad Morsi, the new Egyptian president. Two years ago he said that “The improvement and change that the Muslim nation seeks can only be attained through jihad and sacrifice and by raising a jihadi generation that pursues death.”

The threat of war is encompassing Israel from every direction as Islamic clerics and leaders of Muslim nations and organizations decry the existence of Israel and call for its destruction. One might think that these threatening marauders would shrink back if the hosts of heaven broke through the clouds to confront them. But the Scripture teaches us that, while these men are raging against Israel with the tongues and their weaponry, their real argument is with the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

We can pray that God will frustrate the words and efforts of the enemies of Israel. We can pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We can pray for defeat of the enemies of God. And, by the grace of God, we can pray for their conversion.

What in the World is the UN Thinking?

A year ago, when UN officials selected Syria as a member of the UNESCO Human Rights Committee, the public at large must have wondered what the UN was thinking.  Surely this had to be some kind of mistake.  This country is slaughtering its own citizens.  This just can’t be right.

But wait a minute, didn’t the UN also appoint Saudi Arabia to the board of UN Women, the organization’s women’s-rights arm?  Is that the same Saudi Arabia where women have virtually no rights?  Yes, it’s the same Saudi Arabia.  And it’s the same UN.

About the only thing that could possibly be more absurd would be appointing Iran to a committee drafting a global arms treaty.

Well, guess what.  That’s exactly what they did!

It was just a couple of weeks ago that the UN accused Iran of illegally supplying arms to Syria.   Now Iran is helping to draft an arms treaty.  Hillel Neuer hit the proverbial nail on the head when he said, “Right after a UN Security Council report found Iran guilty of illegally transferring guns and bombs to Syria, which is now murdering thousands of its own people, it defies logic, morality and common sense for the UN to elect this same regime to a global post in the regulation of arms transfers.

To put the icing on the cake, the United States did not even raise an objection to the appointment.  Not one word.

Wait just a minute.  Didn’t the US representative to the UN for Management and Reform say last year that “We’re going to assert a common-sense principle across the UN: If a member state is under Security Council sanction for weapons proliferation or massive human-rights abuses, it should be barred, plain and simple, from leadership roles like chairmanships in UN bodies.  Abusers of international law or norms should not be the public face of the UN.”?  Uh, yes he did.

While an unidentified State Department official brushed off the appointment saying, “Obviously we oppose [Iran’s appointment], but it’s a symbolic position with little impact,” Iran’s official news agencies, IRNA and ISNA, were touting the importance of the rogue nation’s new, influential role.  Imagine the utter glee with which the Islamist nation accepted the appointment to “assist” in controlling arms trade when the country itself is defying diplomatic efforts and sanctions by continuing to build its nuclear facilities and barely a week goes by without it threatening death and destruction to Israel and the US.

The Bible says that the day will come when men will call good evil and call evil good.  It sure is getting difficult to know how our world leaders define good or evil.  Without the Biblical foundation that correctly discerns good from evil, eventually all people will have no moral compass.  Pray for our country.  Pray for our leaders.  Weep over the souls of men.  Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.  And pray for the soon return of Israel’s Messiah, our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Fourth of July, Israel

by: Mike Evans

America celebrates Independence Day, by far the most important national holiday of the year in the United States. It commemorates the birth of the nation and the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, with fireworks, picnics, concerts, parades, political speeches and ceremonies. It is a day of patriotism and pride – the largest birthday celebration in America and a true day of remembrance.

It is in this spirit that I, as an American, will celebrate Israel. The nation of Israel and the Jewish people have sacrificed more for American freedom per capita than any nation on earth.

Radical Islamists call America the “Great Satan,” and Israel the “Little Satan.” The reason is obvious; the Jewish people in Israel have, with their own blood, defended America and the Western world against radical Islam since the days of its rebirth on May 14, 1948.

When Jewish poetess, Emma Lazarus, penned the immortal words emblazoned on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty,Palestine was desert, a wasteland in the hands of the unfriendly Turks. From 1881 to about 1920, three million Jews emigrated from Eastern Europe to the United States. Welcoming them to America were Lazarus’ words:

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Ties between the Jewish people and the early pilgrims in America were as foundationally strong as the rock on which they stepped ashore in 1620. A group hoping to found a “New Israel” would become highly influential when the colonists began to aspire to freedom. Early founders and presidents of the newly-formed republic would express the hope that the children of Israel might one day find rebirth in their homeland – the land God gave to Abraham.

Our forefathers, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin lobbied for an image of Moses guiding the Israelites on the Great Seal. Such presidents as John Adams, Woodrow Wilson, and Abraham Lincoln lobbied for a homeland in Palestine for the Jews. President Harry S. Truman was the first world leader to recognize the new State of Israel in 1948.

One of the greatest symbols of Israel’s sacrifice is Yonathan Netanyahu, commander of Sayaret Mutkal, who was killed in action during Operation Entebbe in Uganda. His brother, Benjamin, is the current prime minister of Israel. Character and dedication are symbolized in a letter Yonathan wrote to his parents on December 2, 1973. In the letter he wrote: “We are preparing for war and it’s hard to know what to expect. What I am positive of is that there will be a next round and others after that. But, I would rather opt for living here in continual battle than for becoming part of the wandering Jewish people. Any compromise will simply hasten the end. As I don’t intend to tell my grandchildren about the Jewish State in the twentieth century as a mere brief and transient episode amid thousands of years of wandering. I intend to hold on here with all my might.”

On July 4, 1980, the anniversary of his death, I read Yoni’s story in the Jerusalem Post. It deeply touched me in such a way that I made my way to the Netanyahu home to express my sympathies for his sacrifice to the Netanyahu family. Benzion Netanyahu answered the door and very graciously invited me inside for tea. After a few moments, we were joined by Benjamin. I had never seen a more painful agony than I saw in Benjamin’s eyes.

I was so moved by the encounter that I requested a second meeting that week with Prime Minister Menachem Begin through his personal secretary, Yehiel Kadishai. When Mr. Begin came through the door of his office I said, “Mr. Prime Minister, yesterday I met the prime minister of Israel.”

He said, “You are mistaken; it wasn’t yesterday that we met.” I said, “No, it is not you.” He laughed and asked, “Who is this competitive prime minister?”

“Benjamin Netanyahu. He will be prime minister twice. Will you give him a job?” He laughed. “Twice? Isn’t once enough?”

At that time, Mr. Begin didn’t know Benjamin. His senior advisor Reuven Hecht, also in the room, knew Benjamin, and spoke highly of him. Menachem Begin agreed. The following night, Reuven offered Benjamin a position in the Israeli embassy in Washington, DCunder Moshe Arons.

For over twenty years, I kept the story in confidence and did not tell Benjamin that I had asked for an appointment for him … not until he demanded that I tell him the truth. He smiled and said, “Oh, so you’re the one. I don’t know whether to kiss you or kick you in the rear.” Without a doubt, Benjamin is prime minister of Israel and has maintained courageous moral clarity because of the sacrifice of his brother, Jonathan.

The death of Yoni Netanyahu inspired me to write Israel: America’s Key to Survival in 1981. On the front cover of the book areU.S. and Israeli flags sliced in half by an Islamic Saudi Arabian sword. The premise of the book was that Israel was the only democracy and firewall between radical Islam and the West. I wrote that if Israel was weakened, radical Islam would begin attacking the West.New York City’s tallest building would be the first target.

On the back cover is a quote from Benjamin Netanyahu:

“Their goal is to destroy America… destroy it … reduce it to nothing and they feel they can effectively do it through terrorism.”

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I stood at the press conference and confronted the Secretary of State over Israel

In 1991 I went to the Middle East Peace Conference held in Madrid, Spain. The entire purpose of this meeting of world powers was to sell out Israel and force the Jewish state to hand over Jerusalem. In the press conference, I stood and confronted Secretary of State James Baker over Israel. I told him that no matter what he proposed, God had already settled the issue of Jerusalem; it is the capital of the Jewish people, and it is the city where God has placed His name forever.

There were over 100 journalists from around the world, many of them from Muslim nations, in that room as I spoke to Mr. Baker. Many of them were so angry that they hissed like snakes as I asked, “Mr. Secretary, every capital in the world is recognized as a capital except for Jerusalem. Will you recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital?” He refused.

We need to defend the Jewish state and the Jewish people around the world. more than ever.  Visit the  Jerusalem Prayer Team website to show your support for God's Chosen Nation and and global peace.

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Please pray for the peace in Jerusalem and the whole world as we celebrate Independence Day

I am looking forward to spending time with my family tomorrow to celebrate the birthday of America and to give thanks for the great and wonderful blessing of freedom we enjoy. One of the things that drives me to stand for Israel is the knowledge that my children and grandchildren will live in a nation that is either blessed by God…or cursed by Him. 

We must not forget that God has blessed our nation in large measure because we have historically been a blessing to His Chosen People. All the way back to George Washington, America’s leaders have supported and defended the rights of the Jewish people. 


Monday, July 2, 2012

Despite “truce” terrorist rockets still landing in southern Israel

Despite a so-called “truce” that the Hamas terrorist organization has announced, rockets and missiles from Gaza continue to rain down on the Jewish homes and farms of southern Israel. My heart breaks when I think of these precious poor families—many of the residents of these little towns and villages are refugees from other countries who cannot afford to live anywhere else—huddling in tiny bomb shelters hoping to survive these attacks.

In my spirit I hear the cry of God “Comfort ye, comfort ye My people” (Isaiah 40:1). Will you help us answer the call today?

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Joseph of Arimathaea gave his very best for the Lord…what will you do?

When Jesus was crucified, Joseph of Arimathaea went boldly to Pilate, asking him for the body of our Lord. Joseph immediately purchased fine linen (Mark 15:46) and proceeded to Golgotha to remove the body of Jesus from the cross. He wrapped Christ’s body in the linen, and it was laid in the tomb that he had prepared for his own burial.

Joseph lived in Ramla, and even though he had spent a fortune to purchase a stone tomb in Jerusalem, he gave it to the Lord and was later buried in Ramla. He did something great for God. I want to encourage you today to join me in supporting the Jerusalem World Center as we comfort the house of Israel.


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