Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What is Obama's Agenda for Israel?

by Mike Evans

Shalom from your Jerusalem World Center in the Holy City! I am here as your Ambassador this week during the Obama visit, so please pray for me.

Here's an inside view of why and what the President Obama is up to this week in Jerusalem:

1. President Obama's primary purpose in coming to Israel is to push PM Netanyahu for more time to allow diplomacy and economic penalties to run their course with Iran.

Netanyahu, in a speech to the United Nations in September, said Iran was about six months away from being able to build a bomb.

Obama told an Israeli television station this past week that the U.S. thinks it would take "over a year or so for Iran to actually develop a nuclear weapon." You can watch that Israeli TV interview here:

Obama will view an Iron Dome battery at the airport, part of the missile defense system the U.S. has helped pay for. This will be subtle signal to Israel that if you attack Iran you will lose America's support for the Iron Dome.

2. We are also expecting Obama to push the PM hard on the two-state solution to give up land for the Palestinian state, including the division of Jerusalem into two capitals. For more on this story, go here:

3. The centerpiece of Obama's visit will be a speech in Jerusalem to an audience mainly of Israeli students. It's part of the President's effort to appeal to the Israeli public, particularly young people. Bypassing the Knesset, Obama will attempt to go directly to Israel's citizens. We'll see what the speech contains soon enough.

4. He will make several cultural stops, all steeped in symbolism, in the region. They include visits to the Holocaust memorial at Yad Vashem; Mount Herzl, where he'll lay wreaths at the graves of Theodor Herzl, and also the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.

5. Traveling to the West Bank, Obama will meet with Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, and his Prime Minister, Salam Fayyad, in Ramallah.

6. Finally, President Obama will make a 24-hour stop in Jordan too.

Please be in SERIOUS PRAYER over the next few days, as the events that unfold here shortly, will lay the framework for the U.S. relationship with Israel for many years to come.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Persia - The Final Jihad by Mike Evans

Persia. The very word evokes images of kings and princes and tales of Arabian nights, of Scheherazade, the teller of 1001 stories of cunning and derring-do.  However, Persia was not solely acclaimed for the tales of 1001 Arabian Nights, but for algebra, Backgammon, a postal service, military conscription, and advances in human rights.

The kingdoms of Persia and Babylonia inhabited the region that played host to the world's earliest civilizations. They are thought by most archaeological scholars to contain the site named in the Old Testament book of Genesis as the Garden of Eden.

Ur of the Chaldeans, the home of Abraham, was also a part of the region that was once Babylonia-later controlled by the Persians. The Persian population would eventually learn that it had exchanged one tyrannical ruler for another. Under Islamic rule the people would be forced to forsake the Persian language in favor of Arabic, which would become the sanctioned language of the Muslim world.

In 1935, Reza Shah Pahlavi the Great, asked the world to stop referring to his nation as Persia and instead call it Iran, "land of the Aryans." Today, Iran can best be described as a rogue nation with a tyrannical leader at its helm; one who is pursuing nuclear weapons with reckless abandon as part of his mission to annihilate the Jewish people and bring the United States to her knees. Its people will, unfortunately, be forced to reap the whirlwind sewn by Mr. Ahmadinejad and his ruthless followers.

Persia: The Final Jihad by Mike Evans, outlines the history of Persia long before Daniel or Esther. It sets the historical stage for modern-day Iran, and peels the layers from deceptions and lies of Iranian leaders.

Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons with reckless abandon as part of its mission to annihilate the Jewish people and bring the United States to its knees. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's unequivocally terroristic threats may be taken by world leaders as boasting and bullying; that could be a costly mistake.

The brightest minds globally are charged with finding a solution especially now that Iran is but the turn of a screwdriver away from an atomic bomb. The holy grail of understanding is that this is truly a battle between two books, two kingdoms, and two peoples. The good news is that a biblical solution is not only available, but accessible.

Having met with over fifty Iranian diplomats, past and present, including Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Foreign Minister Ali-Akbar Salehi, former Ambassador to the US Ardeshir Zehadi, and the Empress Farah Diba, Dr. Evans is more convinced than ever that this is a spiritual battle of biblical proportions.

Persia - The Final Jihad by Mike Evans is now available on TimeWorthy Books.