Thursday, June 21, 2012

Kassam Rocket from Gaza Explodes Near an Israeli Border

A Kassam rocket fired from Gaza exploded near an Israeli border police station yesterday, injuring four officers based there. The intensity and pace of rocket attacks over the past few days has dramatically increased. In fact, more than 70 such attacks happened in just 48 hours. The poor Jewish people living near the southern border have been forced into their bomb shelters again and again.

I have visited those tiny cramped houses that are all these people can afford. Many of them fled from Russia to escape the ongoing persecution there with little more than what they wore and perhaps a single suitcase. They live where they do because they cannot afford housing anywhere else. I am outraged that the world ignores the ongoing and increasing attacks these precious people face day after day. But the failure of the world does not mean that you and I cannot do everything we can to minister to the poor of Israel and support and defend them from their enemies. 

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