A seed is a container of life. As long as this container remains alone, it cannot grow. Some seeds sit for decades with no growth and seemingly no purpose, until something breaks open the outer shell so the seed can interact with the soil and water to grow. A seed can sit for a hundred years in its own identity and accomplish nothing. But when a seed finally dies, one seed can feed millions. Jesus said, “The hour has come … when the Son of Man has to die” (John 12:23-24). He is our example.

For the life of God to be released, God Himself, through Jesus Christ, had to go into the earth to die. We follow Christ’s pattern. The person’s outer shell—the “natural man,” not the body—has to die for the “inner man” to be released. As long as we try to preserve the outer shell, keeping the flesh intact, the inner man will never be released. As long as we are enamored with our outer shell, we will never see the ministry of Jesus Christ live through us.
“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us" (2 Corinthians 4:7 KJV). We have to remember the power is from God and is inside the jar, not outside. God literally placed the Person of Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, in our earthen vessels! Only when our external, fleshy part is broken can the power of the aroma of the treasure be received into Heaven.

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