To David, his sling was the priceless, bejeweled sword of a warrior king. Others saw only David’s rags, but in David’s own eyes, he was robed with the majesty befitting a king.
God was David’s shield. He knew his feet would not slip because his eyes were fixed on the Lord. His hands were the callused hands of a shepherd, but they held firmly to the hand of the Eternal One. One word from God changed his life forever. Our circumstances are always subject to change, if God arms us with strength and power.
The trials David faced did not matter. He knew he was destined not for disgrace, but for dignity. When you and I put our hands in His hands, he “teaches our hands to war” (Ps. 18:34a, KJV) with shouts of victory. Rejoice! For the Shield of your Salvation, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ, is leading you. You are truly under Divine appointment.

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