Israel's Vice Prime Minister, Moshe Ya'alon, was previously head of military intelligence and Army Chief of Staff. He is an expert on Iranian terrorism, and described the potential for a "dirty bomb" attack this way: "You can bring a dirty bomb to any city using maritime cargo or air cargo or ground cargo. It doesn't matter. It might be brought to be used in a very highly populated urban area.
"It would cause devastating collateral damage—killing many civilians in a concentrated area of a big city. It might be tens of thousands; it might be hundreds of thousands. It depends on the quantity of the materials in the dirty bomb." In addition to those killed by the initial blast and the fallout as radioactive materials are spread by the explosion, a major downtown area could be contaminated so that it would be rendered uninhabitable for years to come.
As Iran comes ever closer to completing its nuclear weapons program, the day when Israel and the rest of the world must deal with the awful reality draws near. Yet instead of doing anything effective about this grave threat, the world is focusing on Israel. In some ways it's not surprising since in his Cairo speech, President Obama identified the Arab-Israeli conflict as second only to Al Qaeda as a threat to peace. But it's ridiculous! The Obama Administration and the UN are fully committed to creating a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.
Understand this clearly—every nation and individual that supports the United Nations and Obama Administration plan to curse Israel and steal from her the land God promised the Jews as an eternal possession will suffer His chastisement and judgment. Every nation and individual that opposes this plan and stands with Israel as a blessing to her will enjoy His blessing. Your gift today to bless Israel is urgently needed.
America is on a prophetic countdown to the gravest days in our history. In a few weeks, a vote will be taken at the United Nations that will force America to choose between standing with Israel and standing with her enemies. Israeli leaders have asked the Jerusalem Prayer Team for its support at the United Nations and a week later as the nations of the world gather for the demonic Durban III conference to continue accusing Zionists of being racists. The first Durban Conference occurred in 2001. At that conference, the Palestinians distributed copies of the anti-Semitic The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion to all delegates. It was the most evil, anti-Semitic UN assembly ever against Israel.
The conference ended on September 8, 2001...and 72 hours later, the US was attacked by Radical Islam. I can assure you that in the spirit realm, this was no coincidence. God's Word promises a curse on any nation that touches Jerusalem. Once before, an American President attempted to divide Jerusalem and surrender the Temple Mount to radical Islam. That president was Bill Clinton. Now President Obama plans to do the same—this time by formally recognizing a Palestine State at the UN in September within days of the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
I do not believe for a second that all the economic and political turmoil America is going through is coincidental. America needs Divine intervention that can only come from God's people standing in the gap like Esther. This national campaign will cost $350,000. We give thanks for the 480 Jerusalem Prayer Team members who have given $33,000 so far to this urgent need. I am asking every Jerusalem Prayer Team member to stand up to Jew hatred like Corrie ten Boom and her family did in Holland during the Holocaust.
In my new book, The Protocols, I reveal how so many of the modern expressions of anti-Semitism trace their roots back to The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. I wrote this thriller, The Protocols, to expose the world to the fact that although it was uncovered as a forgery not long after it was written, millions of people today still accept it as truth...and act on that false belief. My new book is a chilling look at how the tentacles of hatred of Jews reach even into our own country.
When you send your gift of $30 or more, we will send you a copy of The Protocols. This powerful book explains the anti-Semitism behind the plot to divide Jerusalem and curse Israel. If you are able to send a gift of $80 or more, we will send you an autographed hardback copy. This is the truth that our world most urgently needs to hear today. You can see a brief highlight from the gala launch event at the Begin Center below.
David Ha'ivri, Executive Director of the Shomron Liason Office wrote: I have just finished reading your new and exciting book, The Protocols. You did an amazing job taking a world shaking but normally ignored true conspiracy and offering it to your readers in a suspense novel format. I hope that this book becomes a bestseller and a motion picture. It should also be published in multiple languages. Thank you for all that you do for Israel and the Jewish people.
The Jerusalem Prayer Team has set up a dedicated prayer wall especially for this campaign to defend Israel. Post your prayers that God will guide our nation and turn the hearts of our leaders toward Israel...that He will grant Israel His favor and guard and defend His Chosen People. Your prayers will be an encouragement to others, and we ask that you take a moment to share your prayers for the Jewish state...and that you continue to pray faithfully for the peace of Jerusalem.
Your support of the Jerusalem Prayer Team makes it possible for us to continue to stand for Israel on the world stage, to rally Believers across the globe to join in fervent intercession for Israel, and to meet the urgent humanitarian needs of the Chosen People. Thank you so much for being part of the team.
Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, ozier Yisrael bigvurah.
Blessed art thou, Lord our God, King of the universe, who girds Israel with might.